Monday, May 14, 2007

DFNS the wait is almost over

We should see a report from DFNS tomorrow. It's hard to wait but not much we can do. If you don't own the stock and have an interest in it. This could be your last day to purchase it at these prices. (Assuming its a good report.)

The same could be said for AYSI and CAGC. (CAGC I am not looking for blowout #'s but hoping for possible guidance which could move the stock.)

I will send out an email and post on the blog as soon as I get information on the companies releases.

Hopefully we will see something like TSSW after its report it went from the .80's to $1.40.

I hopefully should have the video/ebook about picking stocks ready within a week or so.

Have a great day

Steve Hoven

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