Tuesday, June 5, 2007

DFNS estimates?

Assuming DFNS blows thru the backlog this fiscal year. That would mean $7.5 million in revenue. And if they blow thru their inventory of $4.1 million that is a total of $11.6 million in revenue.

Add that to the 3.9 million Q1. And add roughly $3 million in local civilian sales ($1 million per quarter)that is a total revenue of $18.5 million in revenue for 2007.

That of course is not including any additional contracts they receive. I would say any contract that is announced prior to labor day (early Sept) has a chance to effect this fiscal year.

At $18.5 million in revenue that is roughly a 75-80% increase over last year. I would also think we could see .08-.10 EPS based on those #'s.

Though I don't see any movement in the stock unless we see more contract news releases. Otherwise mid August we should see the news. 1 profitable quarter doesn't make a trend but I think we are in the right spot.

Remember Thursday June 7th is the LAST DAY to get the Video/ebook about how I pick my stocks at the discounted price. You also receive the bonus.

http://www.BeforeItMoves.com is where to go. That page isn't anything fancy but the information you will find in the videos is very well worth it.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you
Steve Hoven

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